FuckUp Night

What happens when you say yes?

by | copywriting

Share Share Do you find this in your business? Some months are calm and quiet, and everything plods along as…

Do you find this in your business? Some months are calm and quiet, and everything plods along as usual – while other months seem to operate on a higher – and far more public level?

Stepping up to the plate

Whether you’re a raging face-to-face extrovert – or more of a quiet, digital introvert – putting yourself out there, meeting new people, pushing yourself that little bit further outside your comfort zone – and being open to opportunity – can, although terrifying, turn out to be a whole heap of fun.

FuckUp Nights | Yikes

Last month, I gathered up all my courage to speak at a FuckUp Night in Newcastle.

fuck up nights

Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.


I joined NastyWomenArtistDragKingMam Lady Kitt (@lady.kitt1), sustainable fashion designer, Itala from Uncaptive (@uncaptiveco) and business psychologist Michelle Minnikin from Insights Business Psychology (@michelleminnikin) to stand up in front of a crowd of strangers and speak about our personal and/or professional fuck ups.

photo credit @lucydoesgames

The night started well, with the lovely Hannah Layford and Phillipa Cross in the house (thanks, you gorgeousnesses). And ended on a high as I asked Mark, the organiser, to turn off the camera…

Anne Lamott says what happened next better than I ever could:

The key takeaway: when someone tries to silence your whole, entire life – head somewhere new and never stop talking. You never know what might happen and where it might take you.

red magazine

Noise Creative – and the glass ceiling

Back to lovely Phillipa, who I first met when she was studying Fashion Communication at Northumbria University and who invited me to take part in a series of features and video interviews she’s curating for the international creative marketing agency, Noise Creative.

Here’s me, filmed by the awesome Gab Hernadez de Leon and interviewed by Emily Wilkinson.

Noise Creative | Katherine Wildman, 2019

BBC Bitesize | #Slay

This. Was. Fun.

I loved it.

Read. More. Here.

Savalas Models and HT Media

Red Magazine | The myth of the 9-5

Christine Armstrong, author of The Mother of All Jobs, asked me to contribute to the April issue of Red magazine in her feature about work, life, motherhood – and the eternal search for balance.

Red Magazine
Red magazine content

I’d like to report that my mates were delighted with this – especially as they got a free mascara with this month’s edition 😀

What will you do?

This was, by no means, a typical month. But, after urging a crowd of strangers to shed toxic people from their lives, seeing myself speak on camera (for a really long time), sitting in front of school halls filled with teenagers, and making it into one of the best magazines around – it’s resulted in me making new friends, it’s opened new doors at work… and I’ve got a new mascara.

What’s not to love?

Whether you’re a raging face-to-face extrovert (ahem) – or more of a quiet, digital introvert, have a think.

What might you do that would be new for you and your business this month?

Written By Katherine

Katherine Wildman is a copywriter for creative agencies and multinational brands – and the Creative Director of Haydn Grey.

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